Q Music Promotions
What are the Q Music Promotions customer service details? The Q Music Promotions customer support phone number is 1-(888) 716-2117 and email address is info@qmusicpromotions.com. The Q Music Promotions crew is customer friendly. What are the payment methods at qmusicpromotions.com? Customers can finish the checkout process via Amex Card, Discover Card, MasterCard, Visa Card and through UPI. The Q Music Promotions website is SSL certified so you no need to worry about your personal information. What is the Q Music Promotions refund policy? Unsatisfied customers with the Q Music Promotions products can return them back within the allotted return period i.e 30 days from date of dispatch. Q Music Promotions is a service based store for artists, music directors and bands. Redeem exclusive offers on the Q Music Promotions directories, value packs, playlist placement and ads growth campaigns with Q Music Promotions Coupons. The customers will get music blog owners contacts, playlist curator contacts, radio contacts and music festivals info with shopping the Q Music Promotions collection. Have a look into the Q Music Promotions reviews for past shoppers details. Subscribe to the Q Music Promotions website qmusicpromotions.com and receive a free e-book, exclusive Q Music Promotions Discount Code and promotional offers. In the music promotion the Q Music Promotions crew helps you a lot.